Variables in Python :
In Python, a variable is a named reference to a value stored in the memory of the computer. Variables allow you to store, manipulate, and retrieve data from a program. They can hold data types such as numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries, and so on.
In Python, variables are used to keep statistics values. A variable is created with the aid of assigning a price to a name the usage of the = operator.
Python is dynamically typed, meaning the sort of the variable is inferred from the cost assigned to it, so you do no longer need to declare the type explicitly.
Python Variable Naming and Rules:
- Name Convention: Variable names should be descriptive and logical, using lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Example: username, account_balance.
- Points of use: Variable names are case-sensitive. user_age and User_Age are variables.
- Reserved expressions: Variable names cannot be Python reserved keywords such as if, else, for.
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